Monday, June 28, 2010

What If...

I have mentioned about how important health is in my previous posts.

Even though health is what's important to me, but I guess deep down I am still unsure of the importance despite the fact I said it is.

I believe I have just found the true importance of health moments ago.

I've been having a very bad gout attack the last 3 days.

This time, I had it on my right knee. The one I heavily bruised and hospitalized for 21 days almost 12 years ago.

This time the attack is bad. My knee swells up like a small melon.

I freaked out when I first saw it as the swelling is unusual (reminded me of the incident 12 years ago) except this time no injury!

But other then the initial shock, I have no time to be worried as the throbbing pain was so bad I either couldn't sleep or I woke up due to the excrutiating pain.

Every waking moment was a struggle trying not to think about the pain!

It got better late this morning, after several doses of colchicine, diclofenac, topical and oral esterified fatty acid (EFA) since last night.

I still couldn't straighten my leg but the pain is bearable. I can't walk normal as one leg is now shorter than the other.

As I was limping in pain out of the bedroom, I could see things clearly!

I started asking myself these questions:

What if the pain is gone but I no longer be able to walk normal as my leg couldn't straighten?

What if I continue to have gout attack as bad as this and I can't walk half the time?

These lead me to the brutal truth that:

I will no longer be able to walk hand in hand with my wife.

I will not be able to lead an active life.

I will not be able to drive the sportscars I plan to get myself over the next few years.

I will not be able to drive!

I will not be able to carry out daily chores and activities!

I am thankful I get to finally see things clearly!

I want my health back and I will pray for a healthy body before other things.

I thank God for showing me the true meaning of a healthy life.

Normal left knee

Swollen right knee

- Posted using BlogPress via my iPhone 3G S

Monday, June 14, 2010


Just finished movie not too long ago.

2 things I noticed:

1. I could get up from the seat with minimal discomfort from my knees, no stiffness on my lower legs and without pain at the bottom of my feet.

2. I could walk down the stairs with no pain on my ankles and bottom of feet, despite some stiffness on my knees.

It's an amazing feeling!

I have been in constant discomfort, stiffness and pain for months. This came as a pleasant surprise.

It's a relief!

It's a great feeling to know that my health is improving even though it's not as swift and direct as I have originally anticipated.

Having a pain-free life is part of leading a wealthy life.

Never once could I imagine my health would deteriorate to this extend.

Don't ever take health for granted, appreciate every little movement we are capable of making.

Painless life. Dignified life.

- Posted using BlogPress via my iPhone 3G S

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Can You Tell The Difference?

Pre uncleBotak
Approximately 1 week before TB attack
I was at 75kg (eventually dropped to 73kg)

Post uncleBotak
This was taken about a month ago
(2 months after cleared of TB virus) at 81kg

My latest

Guess I did put on weight!

But if it's the sign of recovering from TB, that's fine.

Just wish I can be healthy and yet still be at 75kg. That's when I realised I have a flat stomach!

A rare sight! Have not seen that for 20 odd years!!!

Can't wait til my side effect of TB is gone to start a healthy lifestyle with time for tennis, running and yoga!