Not too long ago, I thought life was about fulfilling my childhood dreams.
I bought myself the coupe, the hatchback and the roadsters my father promised to get me when I got my driving license.
He passed away before I reached driving age.
Anyway, I got them all later on!
Then I realized life is more than material things.
I needed to refocus.
I started my own business, from providing small scale brand consultation work to working with agencies and setting up partnerships to pitch for major branding projects.
Life became work.
Work was life.
Eventually, I started to search for more meaningful things in life.
Hence, earlier this year, I started to focus on:
Health in my body,
Wealth in my life,
Peace in my heart,
Joy in my home.
Just today, I finally realized I need to accept one thing, the one thing that most probably will give me joy in my home and peace in my heart:
Live for myself. Live my life.
Live a life I intend to live.
I need to learn to let go.
Just need to figure out how much is enough of a let go.
Funny this thing called life.
I thought I was selfish when it used to be all about me and my dreams.
I've just come a full circle.
It's just that I haven't figured out what's the difference between then and now.
Not just yet...
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