Monday, December 12, 2011

A Balanced Life

Even a simple personal objective of mine can be read differently by different people!

I am flabbergasted when I found out to some, a balanced life means doing the least or taking the easier route just so there's less stress!

My definition of A Balance Life is:

1. Doing the best that I can, sometimes even trying harder than my previous attempts just so I know I have done my utter best.

2. Thing beyond my control, learn to accept it.

3. When in doubt, revisit point 1.

I found out the last 2 years if I could successfully achieve point 1 to 3, I'm a happier person. I get to truly use my free time to "not think" and purely enjoy the moment!

This has also lead to having better time spent with family and love ones.

In brief, purely enjoy the NOW time.

I guess one thing I missed out is, have a positive mindset to know that if I have done my very best and if it's the right thing I am going for, all will be just fine!

Everything happens for a reason. The most important thing is, do your best and there must be passion in what you do!

So, here's to my childhood friends, old friends, buddies, family and loved ones, leading a balanced life comes with a positive mindset!

For those that I have been pushing hard for you to challenge yourselves, it's because I see the potential in you.

For those that I haven't and/or don't... I'm sorry... The mind gap is so pronounced that I donno where to start...

I hope one day we can meet in the middle and explore further...

With this, I hope I can rest my mind and don't feel frustrated that I can't help more people in my life.

After all, I need to have the Serenity to Accept Things I Can't Change to lead a more Balanced Life!

Last but not least, I thank Heavenly Father for being my guiding light.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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