Wednesday, November 7, 2012


With a bit of pride puts into what you do is a good thing, as it makes you try harder do better in everything you do in life.

Too much pride however, you won't be able to improve much as it makes you afraid of losing, getting things wrong, be the laughing stock and the list goes on.

One thing I'm still very much puzzled is, what is so wrong of admitting you're wrong by saying I'm sorry?

Learn from it, move on. Period.

Why must one hide behind the curtain that's called "company", "corporate", "organisation" and going round not getting straight to the point?

Own up to it!

At the same time, I also don't get the employer's mindset.

Take away job satisfaction, remuneration and everything else in between, how can team leaders, supervisors, managers, directors, executives, etc not looking into instilling a simple but powerful mindset of an inquisitive mind that takes initiatives?

Every single one of us, so long we know what we want to do with the money earned, with the desire to make more, buy more, own more, our mind is indeed, in working order!

This same mind can be fine tuned to achieve more!

The easy way out is always giving excuse that the downlines "don't get it" or worse, "won't get it"!

If only everyone of us is influencing people close to us, our family members, loved ones, colleagues, employees, the person that serves your food daily, your mechanic, your maid, your superior, your boss and everyone else you come to be in contact with daily, to own up to their actions, wouldn't life in return, be more straight forward and improved drastically over night?

No one has to change drastically!

By shifting the mindset just a little, amazing things can happen!

Don't give yourself excuses not to do it. Give yourself ONE reason why you need to do it!

That simple reason is: You will improve your life in leaps and bounds!

Remember this, life is easy for those without a life, as they merely drifting from day to day.

The moment you have a goal in life, it may seem difficult at first as you have a target. But the ride is gonna be absolutely marvellous!

How come I know?

Hey, I'm living it every single day of my life!

Don't forget, by not improving yourself, you will be yesterday's news as the world is moving forward and you will be left behind?

That is, unless you die now!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad -

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